A list of things I cannot understand about online business

This shall – undoubtedly – grow…

  • Two people this weekend in my feed (TikTok and Instagram users) lost all their archive of posting – and they produced a lot of content – in a system where exporting was not a clear or easy process
  • How do companies get away with selling – for cold, hard cash – a service and have no means of redress or feedback – and increasingly no trial period
  • If I pay for a service – why do I also still get adverts – this seems to be something I notice happening with Amazon Prime – and they then say “pay another 2.99 to have the adverts removed”- I already pay for the service!
  • If it ain’t broke – they keep on fixing it! New ‘features’ and ‘extensions’ seem to be de regueur. They invariably block out the original clarity and try to compete for all your business in a jack-of-all-trades method which we never wanted in the first place